My baby brother….well he’s not so baby anymore…is getting hitched this weekend! He is such a great guy, and I know he’ll be an awesome husband. I had so much fun with him a couple years ago when he came to visit me. He wanted to see New York City as a new yorker, not a tourist. (Not that I’m a true new yorker but I can pretend). So we visited the villages (neighborhoods) and stopped by local stores and notable restaurants. I remember he wore a vintage leather jacket and it was the month of December. Brutually cold. He didn’t believe me when I told me to put on a coat and that his Vegas body won’t be able to handle the bone-chilling cold. Hmmm…let’s just say, he hasn’t been back since.
Thinking of my Bro
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I'm so excited for him this weekend! His future wife seems so cute. My mom talked to her the other day and she seems like she fits right into your family nicely!
You are a total New Yorker Darlene (with the slight exception that you don't actually live there 🙂
Seriously – one of my regrets in leaving CT was I didn't get to go into the city with you and some of the girls from the ward. I always loved going into town with people who knew where they were going and the good places to see.