My niece sent me these funny pictures she took of my sister and I earlier this summer in San Diego. We were at dinner listening to something very interesting. Although I can’t remember what it was or even who we were talking too. But the look on our faces is classic. I guess when people tell me we act alike (even though I would completely disagree, especially since we live on different sides of the country), there is some truth to it. Here’s the “like sisters” series.
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Shay says
So true! You two are beautiful with the same beautiful expressions…you always have been that way since I can remember. I wish I was in the conversation…looks like a good one!
Janie says
You two do have amazingly similar expressions. Funny!
campblondie says
Do you just drink the pretty juice straight then? You two are gorgeous!
Great candid pictures!! You are so beautiful, Darlene!! No fair!!
kj says
Love these pictures. People who have sisters "get it".
Sarah says
that's so funny! I can totally imagine you doing that. Of course you look alike, your both gorgeous!
Rachael says
I know this is going to sound weird, but I swear I've eaten at that restuarant in San Diego. And it was really really yummy! 🙂