Why is it when you are pregnant time slows down to an incredibly slow pace. Then once that baby is out, time whizzes by and all you want to do buckle it down and tell it to stop moving. Our Miss Chloe is two months and I feel like everytime I blink she is a little bit older. She’s been such a fun addition to our busy, crazy household. I love that I can plop her in the bouncy chair and she’ll just sit there and be so content and soak in her siblings’ laughter and loud voices. She loves to have them around. Here’s her stats:
-she is smiling and cooing
-she finally hit 10 lbs
-she seems to find her way into mommy & daddy’s bed every night at 2 am and loudly cries if she gets put back into her bassinet
-she STILL has her umblical cord on. We are working on it. It’s gross.
-she has another mom. It’s her big sister Stella (who is an awesome helper).
-refuses to take a bottle. not good for me. loves her mama’s milk
-loves the attention from her siblings
Chloe is wearing a Dwell Baby outfit and metallic moccasins from Freshly Picked (a gift from my fabulous girlfriend Ashley)
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can't believe she's so big already! Love those cut chubby cheeks!
She is so adorable! That's cute she loves to hang out and watch her siblings. You're definitely right about pregnancy going slow and then it goes too fast when they're born.
Wow! I can't believe it's been two months either. Chloe is beautiful and adorable just like her mother. And I agree time stand still when you are pregnant.
What a beauty!! Love her outfit. Aww 2am cuddles, know all about those. Your family makes me smile.
She's looking awfully cute, and stylin', too!
Congratulations Darleen. She is beautiful! She sounds like she is a wonderful baby. I wish you all the best -Bre
I'm a total stranger…. but wanted to say that I love your blog and this is one of the cutest 2-month old babies EVER!
She is beautiful!