I bought a package of kumquats from my local natural food store for the first time and we are addicted to them! I’m not sure what it is, but the sweet-tart taste combo makes you want to go back of more. Have you tried these little oval citrus fruit? I don’t suggest popping the entire fruit in your mouth in one bite–you’ll get a shock to your senses. But instead taking nibbles of the sweet skin and inside tart juices. It’s suggested to also roll the fruit several times between your thumb and forefinger to release essential oils before you take your first bite. {image via flickr}
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I was at my local health food store today and I should have looked for these. Definitely have to try them now that you say they're so good.
I have a yummy cookie recipe using kumquats, if you want it. It's more like a cake-ish cookie.
I grew up in California with a Kumquat tree, the more yellow, the more tart, the more orange, the sweeter. Watch for the large seeds.