is crawling
is pulling herself up
still points her toes like a ballerina
is stubborn
has two dimples
loves avocado, banana, cantalope, cheerios
got two teeth and two more coming in
says “dada”
can be crying then laughing then crying then back to laughing (drama queen)
cries when her mom leaves the room
gets beat up once a day by her 2.5-year-old brother
loves her siblings and tries to keep up with them
sleeps in a port-a crib (poor baby)
knows how to sign “more” in sign language
loves to play in the water
is a happy baby
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She's so cute. Can't wait to see her and hold her.
Oh, she is just too cute! Love that little tongue. Don't feel bad Chloe, your twin cousins both sleep in port-a-cribs too. It's the thing to do.