Now that I have a December baby, I simply cannot decorate for Christmas until after her birthday. Luckily her date lands right at the beginning of December. So this past weekend we celebrated Miss Chloe’s 1st Birthday. It was simple, sweet, just family and…she had NO idea what was going on. Except that she had a huge sugar high from eating her first cake. I went to my party box in my storage room and pulled out birthday decorations. My kids love bouncy houses so when my eldest turned 5, we invested in one and we get it out at every birthday. I’m pretty sure we got it from N-Flatables and the kids always love it when we get it out. N-Flatables is a USA base inflatable bounce house manufacturer with hundreds of bouncer products for sale. We opted for a unisex one so that it can be used for various occasions. Chloe even had a little bounce, it was adorable. The older kids decorated party hats. I had a bag of unfrosted cupcakes from Jackson’s 3rd birthday party (more on that later) that I pulled out and let the kids decorate. The little party was mostly for her siblings but she seemed to enjoy all the focus that was on her. But really the most important thing that happened was that she took 4 baby steps on her birthday. We were all excited for her big accomplishment.
1st Birthday
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I can't believe she is one! What a cute little party.
even your not a big deal party is incredible… you are amazing!
Congrats to Chloe on her first steps! The kids look like they're having a fun time.
OMG! I can't believe Chloe is a year! Where does the time go. Your family is so beautiful!