This year Stella turned 8. Eight is great, as we say! When you turn eight, you can get baptized in our church. So, it’s a very special year and has made me realized how much and how quickly she is growing up. She got baptized last month and the program was so sweet, sacred and a little emotional. My parents, sister and one of Stella’s cousin came from Vegas to attend her baptism. And then we were supported by many church members in our new town and our newly-met neighbors came too, so she felt very loved! I mailed out invitations/announcements before her date, since all of our family and friends live away from us. Luckily I found a great photographer here who took her 8-year-old pictures. She a gem and I’m so excited I found her! Here are some of her pictures. Photo credits: Erin B Photography
Stella’s Baptism
These pictures of her invitation are taken from instagram. For the baptism program I used the same graphics and colors.
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Love the one with the white flowers. I had forgotten that Stella was in nursery with my Andrew. Time goes by so quickly.
What a beautiful girl!