Happy February! This week is Cleansing week. I’m going to give you some of my insider resources each day to having a successful cleanse. Currently I am on week two of cleansing with a group of friends, and I am so proud of their success and mine! It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just one week when cleansing! I like to cleanse at least three times a year–beginning of year, right before summer and right before the holidays. It keeps me in check with my body and weight, and over all it makes me feel really good about myself. I have completed numerous cleanses from master cleanse to all liquid to cutting out certain food groups to a month long cleanse–so I feel like I have some experience in cleansing! The cleanse my group is doing is currently a cleansing plan I have put together from a number resources from below.
I say before you do you do a cleanse to ask yourself what are you trying to accomplish–is it to lose weight, detox off sugar or caffeine, rid of an ailment, increase your energy. And then do your research on which cleanse you want to do to help complete your goal. Then find a support group (friends or family or an online group), which is very important! Your chances of cheating or dropping out are slim if you have group members checking on your wellness every day.
When cleansing make sure to buy all organic and raw. Cut out processed foods and try to cut out anything synthetic going into your body. It’s best to start a cleanse when you know you won’t be traveling, having a birthday party or event coming up, holiday etc. The months I like to cleanse are January, April (after spring break) and beginning of October. But at the same time, life happens and it’s okay to just start and say “no” to foods or drinks that aren’t apart of your cleanse.
- SimplyHealthful Coach– great read to prepare you for cleansing. Cleansing Part 1, Cleansing Part 2
- David Wolfe–raw food, super nutrition. He has a lot of great books and programs to follow.
- Dr. Young–microbiologist and nutritionist. He puts the science behind eating and drinking healthy. His diets are alkaline base. I refer to his books and programs all the time.
- John Douillard–aruveda based with products and cleansing programs.
- Ultimate Reset--a gentle monthlong cleansing program
- Simple Green Smoothies–really yummy healthy raw recipes along with a cleansing program