Whether you have a “home office” or a place to stash your junk, it’s time to Spring Clean it!

Covering this month, topics on Spring Cleaning, and one place to tackle is your home office or that space where you “get things done” like paying your bills, writing thank you cards, responding to emails, doing your taxes. That space might be a desk in your kitchen or main living room, or a designated office. If you think about it, it’s probably one of the most used areas of your house. So deep cleaning that area is one on our list for Spring cleaning office. It’s probably another area to procrastinate especially if there is a lot of papers, but you will feel so good after it is done! Sharing 4 Tips to Spring Cleaning Office! Make sure to also check out DMJ Home Office Tour.

Tip #1: Go through the Paper Clutter
From children’s school papers to work papers to paper bills, going through the paper clutter can be a daunting task! Sometimes it’s hard to determine whether to throw it away or store it. Usually with my children’s school papers, I store them in a bin in a cabinet and will go through the bin twice a year–once at the beginning of January and then once at the end of the school year. I decide what to throw away and what papers or projects to keep. Anything I want to keep I store in a small storage box with their name, year and grade and place in our basement. As far as paper bills, we have most of them online which has been awesome for paper clutter, but there are a few that we still need to store away in a filing cabinet. We also like to have some important documents as a hard copy and they are also stored in a filing cabinet. Other paper clutter items I go through are old magazines, cards and letters. I like to have another storage box where I save memorabilia or letters from friends. Remember to recycle and shred any important documents/bills. After going through the paper clutter, create a daily paper system to keep them organized through the months to come.

Tip #2: Sort through your Catch-All Drawer
Open up those dark drawers and take the courage to pull it all out and really organize it! Throw out the random items and invest in drawer organizers to separate and put like-items together like paper clips, rubber bands, business cards, etc. Also, get rid of items that are not needed anymore like CDs. Make sure before you put items back in the drawer to spray it down with disinfect.
Tip #3: Organize your Digital Files
I’m probably the worst at this and need to follow through on this spring cleaning tip, but go through your emails and delete or organize in folders. This will help you easily find emails and weed out the ones you don’t need. Also, clean up your desk top icons and trash any old files you don’t need on your computer. This will free up space on your computer.

Tip #4: Wipe down the Hot Spots
Did you know that one of the most dirtiest spots in your house is your cell phone and laptop/computer keyboard?? When was the last time you cleaned it? Yup! I thought so. Now is the time to spring clean and disinfect your keyboards, cellphones and other hot spots in your office area. Don’t forget to wipe down mouses, printer, headphones, chargers and cabinet handles. Go farther and wipe down shelves, ledges, light switches, door handles and blinds.
Shop these Spring Cleaning Office Items:
These are great tips! I definitely need to do some spring cleaning in my office!
Great job. Much appreciated.