Keep Big Kids Occupied During Coronavirus Outbreak with these fun indoor and outdoor activities!

The coronavirus pandemic has left the United States, and many other countries, socially and economically unstable. With school closures across the nation, and parents having no idea when their child will be allowed to go back, the pressure to keep children occupied and the screens turned off has been difficult for parents and caregivers. Technically the children are suppose to stay confined or, in other words, not play with friends or visit museums or adventure zones. With the time to stay indoors or hang outdoors with just your family, the days can be long and so boring (as my kids would say) if not properly prepared. With the help of my children, I’m sharing a list to help big kids stay occupied during coronavirus outbreak. Of course this list can be adapted for any other school cancellation or even summer time break. We’ve been telling our children to take advantage of this break and develop your talents!
Make sure to scroll to the bottom so you can get the list of AWESOME ONLINE RESOURCES available for for students of all ages during this quarantine time period!

- write in your journal about everything that is going on with the coronavirus. Would be good to look back after many years.
- learn to how cook–how to crack an egg and make scrambled eggs, how to make homemade oatmeal or pancakes.
- teach children how to cut vegetables and fruit
- bake cookies or another family dessert recipe
- spring clean children’s closet–see our tips!
- teach children how to deep clean around the house like windows and baseboards, stair rails, etc.
- learn how to do the laundry and fold and iron
- learn how to sew and make something to wear like shorts or a skirt. Here is a simple sewing machine I recommend for beginners.
- paint a picture for an empty wall in the house
- learn how to play an instrument like an ukulele . Youtube also has great beginner lessons.
- Learn calligraphy and write a favorite saying on nice paper then frame
- For high schoolers, prepare and study for the SAT
- For high schoolers, get ahead of your school/homework schedule and look at requirements for the next year
- write a letter or thank you note to a grandparent
- try to figure out how to fix something broken in your house
- put together a family photo album using Shutterfly, Mixbook or Chatbooks
- Make a scrapbook of last year’s adventures
- teach children how to make a phone call and call a friend or grandparent
- explore and find your family tree and learn about your ancestors.

- make a stop motion video with toys
- build a fort out of all the pillows and sheets in the linen closet
- make up a play and then film it
- take Legos and build something creative
- have a nerf gun battle
- make a comic book or your own graphic novel.
- turn on music and have a dance party. Create new moves and have a challenge.

- do a wacky science project–my boys love creating science projects like growing crystals, any water experiments, classic soda bottle rocket, etc
- head to the local pond and take a sample of the water to examine under a microscope and research what they are looking at.
- set up a telescope and look at the moon and planets then study and learn about them.
- woodworking–learn how to hammer a nail and basic skills. Pick up wood at HomeDepot and build something
- take apart a broken appliance and save the part to make something else
- make something “gross” like slime or flubber
- put together an invention bag with wire, metal washers/screws and cut Christmas lights to try and light them up
- learn magic tricks and put a show together for your family
- visit the Humane Society to play with the animals
- build paper airplanes of different sizes and shapes and launch them in the park.

- explore a new park in your area
- go ride bikes
- practice your favorite sports and have a family game
- play capture the flag as a family
- challenge yourself and run a mile
- create an outdoor obstacle course or scavenger hunt for your family
- walk around the local cemetery and read the headstones
- go on a hike
- One of the best homeschooling programs is offering FREE admissions under June 30th, 2020. They have the best resources by all grade level PK-12. Family School Online
- My kids love learning how to make art with Art for Kids Hub . They have fun art lessons broken up by age, holiday, theme and even medium. You’ll be amazed what your child will make in just one art lesson!
- We are going to do the spring challenge Brain Chase that is a fun online, interactive and educational learning challenge for grades 2-8. My friend told me about it when her kids participated in it over the summer and loved it!
- Live science project every week! YES! The Steve Spangler Science team is sharing “50 experiments for 50 days” starting on Monday, March 23. We are planning to tune in! Also, make sure to check out his site! He has a lot of fun at home science projects for children.
- also has a free resource website that provides children with exciting articles, stores, video and fun learning challenges. This also broken up by grade level.
Do you know of an awesome online resources?? Please let us know so we can add to the list!

Thank you for such an informative post. Us moms are in need of fresh ideas to be continually mixing things up, while also providing educational activities. Best to you!
These are great activities! Thanks for sharing these ideas!
This is a great list of activities! Going to send this to all my friends with kiddos 😉
Hope they find it helpful!
Such an awesome post GF! Sending to my sister to help her with keeping my nieces entertained!
xo Laura Leigh
Thanks! It’s been so helpful in our house!
These are great ideas! Sharing this with my sister who’s kiddos are 12 and 10!
Yes! They will love it. Make sure to tell them about all the online resources I listed.
I don’t have kids but I can only imagine the struggle parents are going through right now. Will be forwarding this to my mom friends! xoxo, Sarah
these are great tips for adults too!!! i am definitely going to try to get into baking during this time 🙂
xx rebecca //
Talk about a phenomenal master list of things to do with kids right now! I love how creative you got with this. I’ll be sending it to my sister for my nephews!
Thanks so much! Hope they find some helpful tips!
Loving all these ideas, and I want to share with everyone so people stop being so irrational and nuts when it comes to being on lockdown. We’ll be in this scenario for a while, and I think it’s very important to make the most of the situation! x
yes definitely! And to still make good use of our time!
so many great activities here! Thanks for an informative post
Thank you!
These are amazing tips! I love them! I am going to incorporate them into our quarantine.
Oh good! I hope they are helpful!