In the last month I ate at two really good, highly recommended NYC restaurants. There are so many restaurants down in the City that it’s easy to fall for the not-so-good one. But thanks to my Urbanspoon app, it’s been my restaurant resource for finding the good ones. When I came down with my friend…
Pretty Calligraphy
If I could go back and redo my wedding I would go back and make sure all my invitations were addressed with pretty calligraphy like the ones by Primele.
Baby Twins
My brother Aaron and his wife Carolyn had baby twins girls a couple of weeks ago! I’m so excited for them and want to smooch their little faces. Aren’t they precious? They had no idea whether they’d be identical or fraternal, but as you can tell they are definitely fraternal. The baby girls join the…
Paper Dahlia
I’m bookmarking this favor idea made with tissue paper and ribbon. Very darling. Looks a little time consuming, but the presentation is definitely worth it.
Product Reviews: Trader Joe’s
Do you shop at Trader Joe’s? Well, if you do you know that the little grocery store carries a variety of gourmet products that you won’t find at your local supermarket. So, what is your favorite Trader Joe’s food or non food? I like their flowers. That’s usually where I pick up a bunch of…