We had a lot of clean up to do after the mini-hurricane that hit the New York City area. Did I mention that school was cancelled the entire week??!! Imagine if a real hurricane hit, how devastating this place would be. Thank goodness the weather was gorgeous and we were able to enjoy the outdoors….
Where to Buy
Wondering where to buy apothecary jars online? SaveOnCrafts has a nice selection. They also sell apothecary beverage jar and glass stem bell jars, which are great for pastries. {photo from a candy baby shower I did}
Weekend Agenda
The weather was gorgeous this weekend. We had to take advantage of it and teach Miss Stella how to ride her bike. It’s about time! We went to the beach and walked up and down the beach trails teaching her. By the end of it, she had it down–riding and riding. We were so excited…
Daily Drop Cap
Beautiful font type from Jessica Hische. Her work is pretty impressive.{via Making It Lovely}
Fox Paws
These baby shoes from Fox Paws are so adorable, I wish they made adult sizes. They are made from real leather and look pretty comfty. And they have baby boy shoes, which I think are hard to find.