My head is spinning with our never-ending computer problem chaos. This week the problem is can’t load my pictures from my camera, and some of the software is not working. I’ve been avoiding the computer all week. Long story and no it’s not a virus. Just old. It’s been going on for, let’s see, umm…years….
Outdoor Shower
Living near the beach and frequent visits? Yes, I do think we need to install one of these in our backyard. I’ve given up on a sand-free house. Click here to make your own outdoor shower.
Eighties Child
I’m a child of the 80’s. All those great 80’s movies are happy memories of my childhood and are associated to something I remember. Music, recited lines, dance moves, 80’s style–Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club. They are still in my top 100 movie list. Love them all. Thanks…
Silhouette Art
Brooklyn Limestone has a good tutorial on how to make silhouette art. I like how she positioned them above her bed–very cute. And if you are new to this blog, their renovation journey of transforming their brownstone is amazing and inspiring. Makes me want to go buy a dilapidated house.
Antique Farmhouse
This farmhouse was built in 1839 and has quite a lot of charm. The exposed woodbeams in the kitchen, backyard frenchdoors and long banquette are some of my favorite. Oh, my love for a banquette only grows fonder. Click here to purchase and see more.