Aaron is my older brother. Here’s some fun facts about him: he just finished medical school and is doing his residency in Tennessee. He’s an opthamologist. He is really smart. He used to live in Vegas with all the other family clan. I missed seeing them when I was down there. He’s married to a…
Two of my sisters are so lucky to live in the same town together, and while I was in Vegas I got the pleasure of hanging out with them. My younger sister Marleen just had a baby, and it was fun to cuddle with her newborn. And my older sister Julene is over 40 and…
Flowers are still blooming here. I was so excited to see my hydrangea bush in bloom when I came home from Vegas. I love having fresh flowers from the garden.
Picnic Basket
I love this basket–perfect for a picnic or toting around whatever crafts/sewing project your up to.
Wheee! I’ve survived my high reunion and…I must say, it was a blast. I had a lot of fun seeing my girlfriends (although we try to get together every other year). And it was fun seeing other friends from high school–some that I honestly forgot about, and some that I honestly didn’t forget about but…