I saw this actress at the airport on my way out to Montana. She was wearing a really funky outfit. The whole time, while I was standing by her in the deli checkout line, I was thinking about how lucky she was that she dated Brad Pitt. I was tempted to ask her if she…
Paci Clips
Okay, these are so cute!! None of my kids have been big pacifier lovers, so I haven’t invested in a paci clip, but these are too cute to pass up. I guess you can get them monogramed. And they are multi-functional–can attach to teething ring or toy. So maybe I should invest in one…but wait….
Gift Tags
Around Christmas time, I like to give away home-baked holiday cookies and fudge. I may pick up a few of this personalize gift tags–they would be a perfect finish touch.
Little House on the Praire
This is my girlfriend Katie’s little cabin, which is situated on her 50-acres. She is truely living the life of Laura Ingalls. Sometime down the road, they plan to build their dream home, which will be built out of straw bail and completely eco-friendly. The other picture is of her garden, which is one I…
Facials and Yoga
Sometimes when a season ends, I do a quick evaluation of what I need to do more of that I didn’t do the previous season (or year). For Fall, I would like to do more at-home facials and yoga. I used to do mini-facials at least a few times a week whether it is masks,…