Thank you Block Advisors for sponsoring this post Tax season has arrived, and you may be scrambling to get all your ducks in a row, especially if you are a small business owner or self-employed. Every year you may say…
5 Top Small Business Tax Tips with Block Advisors
Favorite Natural Rugs
Neutral Natural Rugs to Use in Any Room Jute natural rugs are one of my favorite items to use for large spaces and rooms. These rugs are made of natural fiber and have that earthy, boho look. But they are…
Valentine Candy Bar Cart
Decorate a Bar Cart with all the Yummy Valentine Candy Valentine candy might be my favorite seasonal candy. Red hot cinnamon gummies, heart-shaped jelly beans, and strawberry-flavored lips lollipops are just a few favorites. Colors and pink and red makes…
Favorite Kitchen Items
Must-Have Kitchen Items that are Recommended I tell my kids that mama’s toys are household items like my blender or frother or vacuum cleaner or washer and dryer. They always roll their eyes when I say that, but it’s true!…
Walmart Finds For Dining Room
All the Best Finds from Walmart for the Dining Room I am definitely going through that urge of wanting to change all the furniture in my home and bring in a new style, especially my dining room. My dining room…