This post is for my Mom. I’m sending her a picture of my beautiful lilac tree–her favorite flower. A flower that reminds me of her. The weather is getting warm here, and my windows are open–the smell of lilac aroma…
DMJ’s May Email Blast
A Mother’s Day Flower
Baby Shower Invitations
I’m throwing a baby shower next month for my sweet, close friend. These are the invitations that I made. I think they came out pretty cute. New blossoms–perfect for baby.
Shiny Lamps
Shine Home has some really cool but expensive lamps. They are your traditional style with a twist–COLOR. And I do love color.
Calling All Gardeners!
My rhondodendron has died. I’m so sad. It hasn’t even been a year. If it was alive it would be blooming soon. Any reviving suggestions? I’m new to all this.