So, this year we have decided to remodel our fireplace–one of the many items on our “house to-do” list (remember we live in a 1925 house). Our brick fireplace was a huge eye soar, and the first thing you saw…

All things Entertaining, Fashion and Home Decor since 2012
Laundry Room Ideas for Renovation Laundry is one of those never-ending household tasks, especially in a busy home like ours. With four kids, the washer and dryer are constantly running. We have ...
Swooning over These Dining Chair Designs We are in desperate need of new dining chairs! We have had our modern Louis XVI dining chairs for many many years. They have been so amazing, and the ...
Bathroom Trends to Watch for This Year The bathroom is no longer just a utilitarian space—it has become a personal sanctuary for relaxation, self-care, and style. Being a real estate agent in one ...
Witch Theme for this Year's Halloween It's the Season of the Witch! Halloween is here, and I couldn’t resist going all out with a witchy theme to transform my home into a witch's haven. From the ...
So, this year we have decided to remodel our fireplace–one of the many items on our “house to-do” list (remember we live in a 1925 house). Our brick fireplace was a huge eye soar, and the first thing you saw…
I wanted to post pictures of Seth’s adventure up the Hood. I’m so glad he got home safe especially after hearing about how sketchy the climb was. Look how vertical the climb is! Yikes. But I guess Seth and Eric…
The new spring line at Target for designers Victoria Hagan and Thomas O’Brien will be available to purchase April 22nd–so head on down to your local store. Or you can pre-order items on Target’s website. I love the apple green…
My really close girlfriend Ashley and friend Charlene will be featured in Las Vegas Home & Design magazine May/June issue–pick up an issue if you are in the area. Ashley makes really darling knit baby and adult hats, and was…
I’m so excited! You can now shop online at Brocade Home. For those of you who don’t know about this great furniture store it just opened last year and is owned by Restoration Hardware. The style is very feminine, romantic…
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